Are You Worthy Of Being Loved?
How do you feel about yourself most of the time?
Confident and strong
Content and balanced
Insecure and unsure
Overly critical
How do you treat people who care about you?
With kindness always
Respect and appreciation
Sometimes take for granted
Often push them away
What do you do when someone compliments you?
Accept it gracefully
Smile and thank them
Downplay or deflect it
Feel uncomfortable
Do you believe you’re deserving of love?
Yes, without a doubt
Sometimes, not always
Unsure, it’s confusing
No, I feel unworthy
How do you handle conflicts in relationships?
Listen and resolve
Compromise when needed
Shut down or withdraw
Become defensive
What’s your outlook on love?
It’s essential in life
A wonderful addition
Difficult to sustain
Overrated or unnecessary