Good Student Vs. Bad Student What Are You In Toca Life World?
How often do you do your homework?
I always do it and turn it in on time
I rarely do it and almost never turn it in
I not only do it, but I also make sure it’s perfect
Sometimes I do it, but often leave it incomplete
How do you prepare for exams?
I study in advance and do frequent reviews
I don’t study and leave everything for the last minute, if I study at all
I make a detailed study plan and stick to it
I study a little, but get easily distracted
How do you participate in class?
I’m always attentive and actively participate
I don’t pay attention and spend my time talking or getting distracted
I’m the first to raise my hand and help my classmates
Sometimes I pay attention, but often get lost
What do your teachers think of you?
They think I’m responsible and hardworking
They think I don’t try and could do better
They consider me a role model for my classmates
They believe I have potential, but don’t use it
What do you do when you don’t understand a lesson?
I ask the teacher or classmates for help
I do nothing and give up easily
I research on my own and look for additional resources
I try to understand it on my own, but don’t ask for help
How organized are your notes?
My notes are clear and organized
My notes are a mess, if I even have them
My notes are detailed and I always review them
My notes are incomplete and disorganized